Graduate Portfolio Reflection

My Reflection

 This Creative topic of a "Digital Story", has helped improve many aspects of my educational beliefs. For starters this project has benefited me in both school work and long term projects I hope to begin. Things such as the "Graduate Portfolio" have been done using my digital story in mind. These two projects share quite the similarities. Including the thoughts of a better life which focuses highly on a better environment. The thought of going Green using our technology is highly recommended. The term "21st century Thinker" is something I want to discuss for a bit. Using the technology we are given at our disposal we are able to improve our learning environment. We include the following in mind. What long term benefits can this piece of computer allow. My digital story shares explains some of these topics, but at the same time keeps a fresh idea to attract a larger audience. Can we all benefit from going green and being a 21st century thinker? Well sure we could.

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