Part #1 Google To The Max


 When completing the steps for the following, I was able to determine that Google Page Rank is a very useful device. It helps keep track of the views on certain "key phrases". This pretty much sums up the amount of views on certain subjects and or letter sequences. 
Ex. Words such as "world wide web".  

Digital Story 3 Link

This is the link to my Digital Story #3 Rubric 

Digital Story 3

Digital Story #3 Narrative

The concept of my story will revolve around the idea of health care, and its benefits. I want to supply my own personal thoughts on the subject, but at the same time keep the viewers opinion in mind. The story will start out by applying the reasons in which health care must be addressed. A typical American family not being able to supply for their children will cause great harm, and ruin a household. Showing the families expenses, and seeing the lack in health benefits will provide reasoning for the "Obama health care system". I will then continue with how the health care system can potentially change the way we view the logic of the United States. The next step in my story, will be to show the different perspectives on the topic. Are you for or against the system? This will all wrap up with a final statement asking the viewer on what he/she believes is the right decision. My main focus with this story is to question the viewer, by applying different sides of the story. A topic in which many people have many different reasons to go for or it or against it. A story that will hopefully make people question their views on the topic.

Digital Storytelling Rubric

Digital Storytelling Rubric

Project by: Alex Garcia

Graded by: Myself 







Point of View - Purpose

Establishes a purpose early on and maintains a clear focus throughout.

Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for most of the presentation.

There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly clear.

It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the presentation.


Point of View - Awareness of Audience

Strong awareness of audience in the design. Students can clearly explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.

Some awareness of audience in the design. Students can partially explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.

Some awareness of audience in the design. Students find it difficult to explain how the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.


Limited awareness of the needs and interests of the target audience.




Photostory contains 10+ pictures and appropriate music/narration

Photostory contains 8-9 pictures and appropriate music/narration

Photostory contains 6-7 pictures and music/narration may or may not be appropriate

Photostory contains 5 or fewer pictures and music/narration may or may not be appropriate



Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches different parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism/metaphors

Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism/ metaphors.

An attempt was made to use images to create an atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice is logical.

Little or no attempt to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone.


Sequencing of Information

Graphics & story line are organized in a clear, logical way. The story is easy to follow.

Most information is organized in a clear, logical way.  One picture seems to be out of place.

Two or more pictures seem to be out of place making the story difficult to follow.

There is no clear story.  Pictures seem to be sequenced randomly.


Voice - Consistency

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the presentation.

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the majority (85-95%) of the presentation.

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible through some (70-84%)of the presentation.

Voice quality needs more attention.


Voice - Pacing

The pace (rhythm and voice punctuation) fits the story line and helps the audience really "get into" the story.

Occasionally speaks too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation) is relatively engaging for the audience.

Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), but it is often noticeable that the pacing does not fit the story line. Audience is not consistently engaged.

No attempt to match the pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience.



Layout is exceptionally creative and visually appealing.  The fonts, color, and background all work together to provide a consistent theme and a presentation that is easy to view/read. 


Layout is creative and visually appealing.  The fonts, colors, and background almost provide a clear theme. It is generally an easy presentation to read and follow.


Layout is visually appealing although some slides may be too cluttered or too empty.  The fonts, colors, and background do not necessarily provide a theme and there may be parts that are difficult to view/read.


Layout lacks visual appeal and is sometimes too cluttered or too empty.  It may be confusing at times.  The fonts, color, and background do not work well together  in the presentation making it difficult to view/read. There may be too many types of fonts, etc.




Grammar and usage were correct. 

Grammar and usage were typically correct, and errors did not detract from the story.

Grammar and usage were typically correct, but errors detracted from story.

Repeated errors in grammar and usage distracted greatly from the story.



Images are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Most pictures are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Some pictures are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Most pictures are not clear and are not in focus




Total Score  37/40 points

Reflection of Digital Story #2

Reflection of Digital Story #2

 My second digital story was a mixture of different topics and pictures concerning the United Nations. It expressed a neutral perspective view on the topic to keep things clean and fresh. It contained different amounts of pictures to bring in a large audience, attract students who have no knowledge on the topic. A digital story that expressed a overview of the united nations. What this means is that the story showed pictures of office buildings, flags, meetings, etc. This helps bring in a larger audience, but at the same time provides details and little facts to experts on this topic. 

~ Never the less enjoy the video.

Digital Story 2

Digital Story 2 Narrative

We go about our every day lives looking for someone or something to blame. Many world issues are connected with our activities or our past mistakes, and powerful leaders must take charge and correct our problems. The term  "United Nations" has been used as a resource, to show the ways in which nations have joined together to solve world affairs. As a growing student I find it very interesting and uncommon that many people don't no the ways in which world affairs are taken into affect. We need to evaluate affairs not just within our country but outside of it as well. Many jobs require this sort of information, and schools need to begin teaching their students about this topic. Some already do but we need to make sure everyone is informed about debates between countries. Soon enough the world will decrease in size, due to all the communication that is available. We need to demonstrate class discussion between real events going on in the news, this will help improve our lack on certain topics. The United Nations has many different views on topics, and its time that we have our own as well.

View my Digitales Rubric here 

View my Digitales Rubric here 

Digital Story Pre Writing

Name: Alex Garcia                                                                      21st century Technology
4/12                                                                                               Digital Story 2
Introduction to Digital Story 2
1) What is your Topic: My topic focuses highly on the advantages and disadvantage, that the United Nations has applied in the world.
2) What is the time period of story: Both current affairs and past events, that involve cultural fusion. 
3)List the major points, facts, events, people, and/or ideas of your story: My story will include various different: leaders, power structure, countries, presidents, flags, world issues and so forth.
4)Why do you feel this story is important to tell? 
I feel that this story is important to tell, because it contains different sources and view points within the United Nations. My story will include the ideals of the U.N. along with their accomplishments and failures.

5) What are some challenges of telling this story? (hard to find information, personal, etc)
 One of my biggest problems when writing this story will include gathering my info. A difficult task which will make this story that more detailed and important.

6) List some images that come to mind when you think about this story?

Some images that come to mind include. Flags, Countries, Leaders, Human rights, Economic problems, money, business.

7) How does your project relate to our CSI Graduate Portfolio?
 My project relates to The CSI Graduate Portfolio by indicating, different reasons as to why the individual needs to change. This project will allow me to show both progress in my academic studies and educate some students on whats going on in the U.N.

Graduate Portfolio Reflection

My Reflection

 This Creative topic of a "Digital Story", has helped improve many aspects of my educational beliefs. For starters this project has benefited me in both school work and long term projects I hope to begin. Things such as the "Graduate Portfolio" have been done using my digital story in mind. These two projects share quite the similarities. Including the thoughts of a better life which focuses highly on a better environment. The thought of going Green using our technology is highly recommended. The term "21st century Thinker" is something I want to discuss for a bit. Using the technology we are given at our disposal we are able to improve our learning environment. We include the following in mind. What long term benefits can this piece of computer allow. My digital story shares explains some of these topics, but at the same time keeps a fresh idea to attract a larger audience. Can we all benefit from going green and being a 21st century thinker? Well sure we could.

Digital Story 2 Topic

The term "Global Citizenship" can help explain many actions. Working on a better tomorrow, can be easily accomplished if different nations were to come together. The united nations is a perfect example for this topic. A focused group of world leaders, that aim to improve our world. Such powerful leaders, who use the term "21 century thinker" to maintain a better living environment. Just one question needs to be asked to be quite positive that things will work out. Can this group actually improve such a shattered and dysfunctional Nation that rest within the U.S.?

View my complete rubric here  View my complete rubric here

Digital Story Rubric

Digital Storytelling Rubric

Project by: Alex Garcia

Graded by: Myself







Point of View - Purpose

Establishes a purpose early on and maintains a clear focus throughout.

Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for most of the presentation.

There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly clear.

It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the presentation.


Point of View - Awareness of Audience

Strong awareness of audience in the design. Students can clearly explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.

Some awareness of audience in the design. Students can partially explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.

Some awareness of audience in the design. Students find it difficult to explain how the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.


Limited awareness of the needs and interests of the target audience.




Photostory contains 10+ pictures and appropriate music/narration

Photostory contains 8-9 pictures and appropriate music/narration

Photostory contains 6-7 pictures and music/narration may or may not be appropriate

Photostory contains 5 or fewer pictures and music/narration may or may not be appropriate



Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches different parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism/metaphors

Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism/ metaphors.

An attempt was made to use images to create an atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice is logical.

Little or no attempt to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone.


Sequencing of Information

Graphics & story line are organized in a clear, logical way. The story is easy to follow.

Most information is organized in a clear, logical way.  One picture seems to be out of place.

Two or more pictures seem to be out of place making the story difficult to follow.

There is no clear story.  Pictures seem to be sequenced randomly.


Voice - Consistency

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the presentation.

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the majority (85-95%) of the presentation.

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible through some (70-84%)of the presentation.

Voice quality needs more attention.


Voice - Pacing

The pace (rhythm and voice punctuation) fits the story line and helps the audience really "get into" the story.

Occasionally speaks too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation) is relatively engaging for the audience.

Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), but it is often noticeable that the pacing does not fit the story line. Audience is not consistently engaged.

No attempt to match the pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience.



Layout is exceptionally creative and visually appealing.  The fonts, color, and background all work together to provide a consistent theme and a presentation that is easy to view/read. 


Layout is creative and visually appealing.  The fonts, colors, and background almost provide a clear theme. It is generally an easy presentation to read and follow.


Layout is visually appealing although some slides may be too cluttered or too empty.  The fonts, colors, and background do not necessarily provide a theme and there may be parts that are difficult to view/read.


Layout lacks visual appeal and is sometimes too cluttered or too empty.  It may be confusing at times.  The fonts, color, and background do not work well together  in the presentation making it difficult to view/read. There may be too many types of fonts, etc.




Grammar and usage were correct. 

Grammar and usage were typically correct, and errors did not detract from the story.

Grammar and usage were typically correct, but errors detracted from story.

Repeated errors in grammar and usage distracted greatly from the story.



Images are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Most pictures are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Some pictures are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Most pictures are not clear and are not in focus



Total Score  37 out of 40 points

See my Identity sheet here 

See my Identity sheet here